More local election results

After pointing to Deschutes County’s election results page earlier today, I’ve been watching it since 8pm (when the polls closed) to see local election results (aside from the Obama win, I’m very interested in some of the Oregon—and Bend—specific races). So far, though, there’s nothing—no results at all—which is a little frustrating.

KTVZ’s election results, though, are showing a whole bunch of the Oregon election results (though only a few of the very local elections so far).

So right now, KTVZ is the winner, though I’m checking both.


  1. Ok, Deschutes County’s results are ahead of the curve again (11pm). That’s the best source for our local stuff; KTVZ is good for the statewide stuff.

  2. We had technical chalenges, but we have a full list of updated state and local election results now at KTVZ.COM – PLUS links to the state and county election pages for all those special road districts, etc.;-)

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