Ignite Bend 11, looking for volunteers and proposals

Ignite BendThe next Ignite Bend is coming up in just over two months, number 11 which is taking place on Wednesday, October 23rd. If you’ve never been to one of these events before (which are totally free, incidentally), mark your calendars and watch this space for more news as it approaches.

For IB11 we do have a need for additional planning committee volunteers; as posted on Facebook:

Ignite Bend is looking for committed volunteers to serve on the IB11 (October) planning committee. We currently have openings to help with various event details. Email volunteers (at) ignitebend (dot) com for information.

I serve on the planning committee and I have to say it’s incredibly satisfying to bring an Ignite event to fruition! If you’re interested, please email.

And, if you’ve ever considered submitting a proposal for an Ignite presentation, now is the perfect time to do so! There are eight submitted already but we definitely need more—ten will ultimately be selected to present on stage but the larger the pool of proposals (which the viewing public will be able to vote on for their favorites to possibly be selected) the better. The topic can be on anything really (keeping it clean, of course) and remember, you’ll have five minutes on stage with 20 slides that automatically rotate every 15 seconds. (The time flies faster than you’d imagine!)

So if you have a burning desire to get on stage in front of hundreds and talk about something you’re passionate about, submit a proposal!

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